How to Install Blogger Templates

How to Update Blogger Templates

Install Blogger Templates is the good way to change your layout, backup your code in case somethings went wrong. But how to do it properly? Today I will show you the way I update template for my blogger.

At the beginning time of a blogger, I usual update, change my blogger templates about one or twice a week. I dont know exactly why but at that moment, each time I found some beauty template, a voice popup in my mind, force me to apply it for my blog. And as result, I mess up with tons of errors and waste lot of time.

So with this, I want to use my experiences to help you bypass them.

OK, now lets move on.

First of all, you need to download the template to your PC. It's a xml file and usually compressed as a zip file.

You could change the Blogger template in 2 ways. But at first, remember to backup the template. Go to Template/Backup-Restore

How to Update Blogger Templates

Click Download full Template

How to Update Blogger Templates

Your template is a text file with XML extension like this: template-8253629771240445733.xml - Keep it in a safe place in case you destroy your template.

I usually destroy my blogger template. One I forget some code lines, another time I miss a quote,... As a newbie, I don't know how to fix those errors so the best way is to backup a copy.

OK, now we ready to change blogger template.

1/ Update template by Uploading XML template

Just like when you backup template above, now click on the Backup/Restore button again to Update template. Click Chose file

How to Update Blogger Templates

Browse to the place you hold new template. Upload it and DONE.

When you update blogger template this way, all widgets could be change. I recommend you chose the second way.

2/ Update template by edit HTML template

You soon will face with customize html template day by day, and the first thing kept in mind that remember to backup your template before doing anything.

This time, at the Template section, press EDIT HTML

How to Update Blogger Templates

Open your XML template file with NotePad.exe, then copy all the code inside it, replace all the things inside the EDIT HTML form with code you already copy.

How to Update Blogger Templates

Save template.


  • You have at least two ways to update a blogger template
  • When you change the code, remmeber to check out the Layout section, edit, fix some old widget if you got trouble.
  • Post your trouble here and we solve it together.
Good luck!

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